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Basic usage

Showing or hiding content in Livewire is as simple as using one of Blade's conditional directives like @if. To enhance this experience for your users, Livewire provides a wire:transition directive that allows you to transition conditional elements smoothly in and out of the page.

For example, below is a ShowPost component with the ability to toggle viewing comments on and off:

use App\Models\Post;
class ShowPost extends Component
public Post $post;
public $showComments = false;
<!-- ... -->
<button wire:click="$set('showComments', true)">Show comments</button>
@if ($showComments)
<div wire:transition>
@foreach ($post->comments as $comment)
<!-- ... -->

Because wire:transition has been added to the <div> containing the post's comments, when the "Show comments" button is pressed, $showComments will be set to true and the comments will "fade" onto the page instead of abruptly appearing.


Currently, wire:transition is only supported on a single element inside a Blade conditional like @if. It will not work as expected when used in a list of sibling elements. For example, the following will NOT work properly:

<!-- Warning: The following is code that will not work propertly -->
@foreach ($post->comments as $comment)
<li wire:transition wire:key="{{ $comment->id }}">{{ $comment->content }}</li>

If one of the above comment <li> elements were to get removed, you would expect Livewire to transition it out. However, because of hurdles with Livewire's underlying "morph" mechanism, this will not be the case. There is currently no way to transition dynamic lists in Livewire using wire:transition.

Default transition style

By default, Livewire applies both an opacity and a scale CSS transition to elements with wire:transtion. Here's a visual preview:

The above transition uses the following values for transitioning by default:

Transition in Transition out
duration: 150ms duration: 75ms
opacity: [0 - 100] opacity: [100 - 0]
transform: scale([0.95 - 1]) transform: scale([1 - 0.95])

Customizing transitions

To customize the CSS Livewire internally uses when transitioning, you can use any combination of the available modifiers:

Modifier Description
.in Only transition the element "in"
.out Only transition the element "out"
.duration.[?]ms Customize the transition duration in milliseconds
.duration.[?]s Customize the transition duration in seconds
.delay.[?]ms Customize the transition delay in milliseconds
.delay.[?]s Customize the transition delay in seconds
.opacity Only apply the opacity transition
.scale Only apply the scale transition
.origin.[top|bottom|left|right] Customize the scale "origin" used

Below is a list of various transition combinations that may help to better visualize these customizations:

Fade-only transition

By default, Livewire both fades and scales the element when transitioning. You can disable scaling and only fade by adding the .opacity modifier. This is useful for things like transitioning a full-page overlay, where adding a scale doesn't make sense.

<div wire:transition.opacity>

Fade-out transition

A common transition technique is to show an element immediately when transitioning in, and fade its opacity when transitioning out. You'll notice this effect on most native MacOS dropdowns and menus. Therefore it's commonly applied on the web to dropdowns, popovers, and menus.

<div wire:transition.out.opacity.duration.200ms>

Origin-top transition

When using Livewire to transition an element such as a dropdown menu, it makes sense to scale in from the top of the menu as the origin, rather than center (Livewire's default). This way the menu feels visually anchored to the element that triggered it.

<div wire:transition.scale.origin.top>
Livewire uses Alpine transitions behind the scenes

When using wire:transition on an element, Livewire is internally applying Alpine's x-transition directive. Therefore you can use most if not all syntaxes you would normally use with x-transition. Check out Alpine's transition documentation for all its capabilities.