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The wire:current directive allows you to easily detect and style currently active links on a page.

Here's a simple example of adding wire:current to links in a navbar so that the currently active link has a stronger font weight:

<a href="/dashboard" ... wire:current="font-bold text-zinc-800">Dashboard</a>
<a href="/posts" ... wire:current="font-bold text-zinc-800">Posts</a>
<a href="/users" ... wire:current="font-bold text-zinc-800">Users</a>

Now when a user visits /posts, the "Posts" link will have a stronger font treatment than the other links.

You should note that wire:current works out of the box with wire:navigate links and page changes.

Exact matching

By default, wire:current uses a partial matching strategy, meaning it will be applied if the link and current page share the beginning portion of the Url's path.

For example, if the link is /posts, and the current page is /posts/1, the wire:current directive will be applied.

If you wish to use exact matching, you can add the .exact modifier to the directive.

Here's an example where you might want to use exact matching to prevent the "Dashboard" link from being highlighted when the user visits /posts:

<a href="/" wire:current.exact="font-bold">Dashboard</a>

Strict matching

By default, wire:current will remove trailing slashes (/) from its comparison.

If you'd like to disable this behavior and force a stract path string comparison, you can append the .strict modifier:

<a href="/posts/" wire:current.strict="font-bold">Dashboard</a>


If wire:current is not detecting the current link correctly, ensure the following:

  • You have at least one Livewire component on the page, or have hardcoded @livewireScripts in your layout
  • You have a href attribute on the link.