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wire:text is a directive that dynamically updates an element's text content based on a component property or expression. Unlike using Blade's {{ }} syntax, wire:text updates the content without requiring a network roundtrip to re-render the component.

If you are familiar with Alpine's x-text directive, the two are essentially the same.

Basic usage

Here's an example of using wire:text to optimistically show updates to a Livewire property without waiting for a network roundtrip.

use Livewire\Component;
use App\Models\Post;
class ShowPost extends Component
public Post $post;
public $likes;
public function mount()
$this->likes = $this->post->like_count;
public function like()
$this->likes = $this->post->fresh()->like_count;
<button x-on:click="$wire.likes++" wire:click="like">❤️ Like</button>
Likes: <span wire:text="likes"></span>

When the button is clicked, $wire.likes++ immediately updates the displayed count through wire:text, while wire:click="like" persists the change to the database in the background.

This pattern makes wire:text perfect for building optimistic UIs in Livewire.