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Livewire allows you to stream content to a web page before a request is complete via the wire:stream API. This is an extremely useful feature for things like AI chat-bots which stream responses as they are generated.

Not compatible with Laravel Octane

Livewire currently does not support using wire:stream with Laravel Octane.

To demonstrate the most basic functionality of wire:stream, below is a simple CountDown component that when a button is pressed displays a count-down to the user from "3" to "0":

use Livewire\Component;
class CountDown extends Component
public $start = 3;
public function begin()
while ($this->start >= 0) {
// Stream the current count to the browser...
to: 'count',
content: $this->start,
replace: true,
// Pause for 1 second between numbers...
// Decrement the counter...
$this->start = $this->start - 1;
public function render()
return <<<'HTML'
<button wire:click="begin">Start count-down</button>
<h1>Count: <span wire:stream="count">{{ $start }}</span></h1>

Here's what's happening from the user's perspective when they press "Start count-down":

  • "Count: 3" is shown on the page
  • They press the "Start count-down" button
  • One second elapses and "Count: 2" is shown
  • This process continues until "Count: 0" is shown

All of the above happens while a single network request is out to the server.

Here's what's happening from the system's perspective when the button is pressed:

  • A request is sent to Livewire to call the begin() method
  • The begin() method is called and the while loop begins
  • $this->stream() is called and immediately starts a "streamed response" to the browser
  • The browser receives a streamed response with instructions to find the element in the component with wire:stream="count", and replace its contents with the received payload ("3" in the case of the first streamed number)
  • The sleep(1) method causes the server to hang for one second
  • The while loop is repeated and the process of streaming a new number every second continues until the while condition is falsy
  • When begin() has finished running and all the counts have been streamed to the browser, Livewire finishes it's request lifecycle, rendering the component and sending the final response to the browser

Streaming chat-bot responses

A common use-case for wire:stream is streaming chat-bot responses as they are received from an API that supports streamed responses (like OpenAI's ChatGPT).

Below is an example of using wire:stream to accomplish a ChatGPT-like interface:

use Livewire\Component;
class ChatBot extends Component
public $prompt = '';
public $question = '';
public $answer = '';
function submitPrompt()
$this->question = $this->prompt;
$this->prompt = '';
function ask()
$this->answer = OpenAI::ask($this->question, function ($partial) {
$this->stream(to: 'answer', content: $partial);
public function render()
return <<<'HTML'
@if ($question)
<p>{{ $question }}</p>
<p wire:stream="answer">{{ $answer }}</p>
<form wire:submit="submitPrompt">
<input wire:model="prompt" type="text" placeholder="Send a message" autofocus>

Here's what's going on in the above example:

  • A user types into a text field labeled "Send a message" to ask the chat-bot a question.
  • They press the [Enter] key.
  • A network request is sent to the server, sets the message to the $question property, and clears the $prompt property.
  • The response is sent back to the browser and the input is cleared. Because $this->js('...') was called, a new request is triggered to the server calling the ask() method.
  • The ask() method calls on the ChatBot API and receives streamed response partials via the $partial parameter in the callback.
  • Each $partial gets streamed to the browser into the wire:stream="answer" element on the page, showing the answer progressively reveal itself to the user.
  • When the entire response is received, the Livewire request finishes and the user receives the full response.

Replace vs. append

When streaming content to an element using $this->stream(), you can tell Livewire to either replace the contents of the target element with the streamed contents or append them to the existing contents.

Replacing or appending can both be desirable depending on the scenario. For example, when streaming a response from a chatbot, typically appending is desired (and is therefore the default). However, when showing something like a count-down, replacing is more fitting.

You can configure either by passing the replace: parameter to $this->stream with a boolean value:

// Append contents...
$this->stream(to: 'target', content: '...');
// Replace contents...
$this->stream(to: 'target', content: '...', replace: true);

Append/replace can also be specified at the target element level by appending or removing the .replace modifier:

// Append contents...
<div wire:stream="target">
// Replace contents...
<div wire:stream.replace="target">